Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
/Traditionally, October 31 which is named Halloween or All Hallows’ Eve, has been considered a pagan holiday. Although there are differing beliefs as to its origin, everyone seems to agree on a connection to the ancient Celts over 2,000 years ago. On All Hallows’ Eve, it is said the souls and spirits of the dead are given the ability to roam the Earth. All Saint’s Day, or All Hallows’ Day, was a religious feast day celebrated on November 1. The feasting was to honor the Saints.
Many Christians now celebrate Reformation Day on November 1, in place of Halloween, because it is the day Martin Luther chose to nail his ninety-five theses to the church doors. Some church communities choose to host a Trunk-or-Treat, which is considered an acceptable alternative to door to door Trick-or-Treating. Members of the church decorate the trunks of their cars and hand out candy to children, it is expected that scary costumes and décor not attend. Other churches hold a Fall Festival the evening of October 31. A fall themed atmosphere and carnival style booths help to mask the fact it is actually Halloween. except for all the people dressed in costume with children getting candy. Still other Christians believe in ignoring the day all together – they turn off their porch light to avoid Trick-or-Treaters and go about business as usual. Those who practice witchcraft, Satan worship or who consider themselves Pagan or Wiccan may still celebrate All Hallows’ Eve also called Samhein, in a more traditional way which includes many rituals to connect with the dead.
As a girl growing up, Halloween was generally viewed as a bad holiday. I still remember listening to the Adventures in Odyssey episode, “What Are We Going To Do About Halloween?” where they warned about the evils of Halloween as well as hearing similar teachings at church too. We were taught to be afraid of the evil things. Spirits, skeletons and scary things were Satanic and to be avoided at all costs. Fun fact: The term Holy Spirit is mentioned at least ninety times in the Bible.
Typically, on Halloween night would have something fun to eat and gather around the TV to watch an old scary movie. Although once, I did attend a “haunted church” hosted for the youth group by our church staff. Some years, my family would hand out candy to anyone who knocked on the door and often a Gospel tract would accompany the candy. We were pretty much like all the other Christians within our circles.
Now, in my own home, we do participate in Halloween festivities. For us, Halloween is not a celebration of fear or death - God kicked those to the curb through Jesus. We celebrate family being silly together. We celebrate the community around us. We celebrate dress-up. We celebrate sweetness. We celebrate LIFE in all of its abundance!
We believe that Jesus can take what was intended for evil and flip it right around for good. History tells us that Halloween started out full of evil and fear, death and torment. Those are things that my Lord has defeated. They no longer have a grip on me or my family. Jesus came to bring life and defeat sin.
If your background includes witchcraft or a world revolving around the dark side to Halloween, I promise, I get it. I am not saying Halloween cannot be used for the unspeakable. Halloween might well be traumatizing for you, and with good reason. I am terribly sorry for what you have experienced.
But, I do challenge you to see how our God is bigger than evil and bigger than sin. Do not let fear continue to keep you captive. Jesus came to redeem sin and set us free.
How and why we “do” Halloween has been actively taught in my home, in fact I have heard it repeated straight outta the mouths of babes…while in the checkout line…with Halloween décor everywhere…with a line of people around…the week before Halloween, “Why do people have to have blood and scary stuff at Halloween? Jesus brings life and beat death, don’t they know that?”
Well, do they? That’s the point! The cross was not pretty. There was pain and suffering, blood and violence. Do the people around you know that Jesus’ life-giving sacrifice on the cross completely crushed death? That the agony and misery and terror celebrated every year on October 31 was already lived out by Jesus and IT IS FINISHED?
Should Christians celebrate Halloween? Yes, you can because the blood of Jesus has redeemed Halloween.
“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One Who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”