Distilling Therapy: 7 Questions My Therapist Missed (Part 2)

Distilling Therapy: 7 Questions My Therapist Missed (Part 2)

Thanks for ready Part 1 of, “Distilling Therapy: 7 Questions My Therapist Missed.” (However, if you did not read Part 1, you might want to do that now.)

Please join me in diving deeper into questions that can help revolutionize healing for those recovering from religious trauma, high-demand groups or authoritarian structures.

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Unmasking the Hidden Connections: Religious Trauma, Narcicissim and Christian Nationalism

Unmasking the Hidden Connections: Religious Trauma, Narcicissim and Christian Nationalism

Religious Trauma is a psychological term used to describe the result of a variety of negative experiences related to religion. It can encompass a range of experiences from spiritual abuse, physical or emotional trauma caused by religious practices or beliefs, or even simply the feeling of betrayal when a person’s religious community or leaders fail to live up to the high standards and holy lifestyle proported to be exlemplified and taught by those in leadership. Coerced conversions, unquestioning submission to authority, trauma-based theologies and hidden abuse also contribute to creating religious trauma.

One of the key issues related to religious trauma is the role that narcissism can play in the religious community.

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“They listed everyone but me!” - Third Culture Kids and the High-Demand Religion or Cult Connection

“They listed everyone but me!” - Third Culture Kids and the High-Demand Religion or Cult Connection

Did you grow up in a high-demand religion or a cult? Have you ever felt like an outsider to life and couldn’t put into words exactly why? If so, you are not alone and perhaps, what I explain in this article will resonate with you.

One day as I was having a conversation about my childhood (and subsequent religious trauma recovery journey) with a dear friend of mine, Dr. Paulette Bethel, she suddenly said, “Rebekah, you’re a TCK!” This expression was new to me so I asked her to explain.

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10 Questions to Ask When Seeking a Therapist Who Is Religious Trauma Informed

10 Questions to Ask When Seeking a Therapist Who Is Religious Trauma Informed

Religious trauma is a sensitive topic that requires a therapist who is knowledgeable and experienced in addressing the unique challenges that come with it. If you're seeking therapy to overcome religious trauma, it's crucial to ask the right questions to ensure that the therapist is well-equipped to help you. Here are ten insightful questions to ask a therapist to assess their religious trauma competency.

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The 5 Steps to Deconstructing Your Faith

The 5 Steps to Deconstructing Your Faith

It’s overwhelming I know. You’ve recognized something is off with how you were raised or with the system in which your faith is based. You are scared. You aren’t sure who to trust. You’re Googling for answers and desperate for help.

Suddenly, in your searching, you see an article entitled, “The 5 Steps to Deconstructing Your Faith,” and you feel like, “Oh good, someone will tell me how to do this!” Well, yes and no.

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You Don't Have to Embody It All

You Don't Have to Embody It All

If this was you, listen to me closely: You do not have to embody every little thing you now believe. That’s overwhelming and may be impractical or “too much” for you today. Our beliefs are not who we are, but they do inform how we behave. You are aware now, but have wounds and traumas which must heal. Each role may not be possible for you to take on now or ever - and that’s ok.

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What is Trauma Dumping?

What is Trauma Dumping?

Trauma dumping is a term used to describe the unconscious act of people who have been through a traumatic event or experience sharing their trauma with others without considering the emotional wellbeing of the other person or receiving their consent. It is a form of emotional dumping in which a person unconsciously unloads their emotions, pain, and suffering onto others without regard for their feelings.

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16 Lessons Social Media Taught Me About Trauma Response

16 Lessons Social Media Taught Me About Trauma Response

If you are a trauma or abuse survivor social media can prove difficult sometimes. Images or memes can be triggering as can conversations or interactions with others.

Recently, I had a bit of a kerfuffle with someone on social media. It was not my intention, I basically never engage in virtual debates. It is easy for your tone and intent to get lost in cyber translation. And yet, I found myself in a flurry that happened so quickly it left my head spinning and my pulse elevated.

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